About Peakview School

Peakview School

Peakview School is a preschool through sixth-grade school located at 375 West Pine Street in Walsenburg. Enrollment is approximately 250 students.

Interim Principal: Michael Moore Dean of Students: Megan Gurule School Counselor: Lora Davis School Nurse: Laurie O'Connor Superintendent: Michael Moore

Peakview School

375 West Pine Street Walsenburg, CO 81089 Phone: (719) 738-2190 Fax: (719) 738-5746

Title IX - Nondiscrimination Statement


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School News

  • Dec 5, 2024 · Peakview

    Superintendent Search - Steakholder survey

    The Huerfano RE-1 School District School Board has selected McPherson & Jacobson, L.L.C., Executive Recruitment and Development to assist them in the important task of selecting superintendent candidates for the board to interview.

    The general public, staff, parents, guardians, students and any stakeholders of the Huerfano Re-1 School District is invited to give your thoughts on what you think in regards to our next superintendent.

    Please click on the following link to fill out the Online Stakeholder Survey: https://www.​surveymonkey.com/r/HuerfanoCO

    Sep 23, 2024 · Peakview

    Immediate positions available at Peakview

    Peakview School has an immediate opening for a Kindergarten Teacher.

    Immediate opening for a 4th grade long term substitute. Our teacher is expecting a baby at any time and we need to fill this position immediately.

    We are searching for a certified teacher or qualified Substitute teacher.

    Please submit your resume and application to Lorna Eddleman, HR Director at leddleman@huerfano.k12.co.us or call 719-738-1520, ext. 2002


    Certified/Licensed Teacher Salary Range: $39,000 - 71,400 D.O.E.

    We may also be able to offer this position to non-certified/licensed personnel. Contact Lorna Eddleman for additional details to see if you may qualify under our "Teacher of Record" or "Long-Term Sub" pay scale.

    Jul 15, 2024 · Peakview

    Huerfano Re-1 Registration Information

    Huerfano Re-1 Registration Information

    Peakview School: July 30, 31

    9:00AM-11:00AM and 1:00PM-3:00PM

    Walsenburg Jr. Sr. High School: July 29 through August 1

    8:00AM-12:00PM and 1:00PM-3:00PM

    Other info:

    1. Back to School Night (Peakview and WJSH) Monday, August 12, 5:00-7:00

    2. There will be no in-town bus run this year.

    3. The Superintendent's office will be located at WJSH this year.

  • 2024-2025 School Calendar
    Jun 28, 2024 · Peakview

    2024-2025 School Calendar

    Here is our 2024-2025 School Year Calendar -

  • Apr 3, 2024 · Peakview

    State-Wide CMAS Testing to begin April 8th, 2024

    Dear Parents and Guardians, That time of year is here again to begin preparing for the annual statewide assessments.   Our 3rd through 12th  graders soon will begin taking the statewide assessments that are aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards and measure real-world skills like problem-solving, communicating, and thinking critically, all essential for success in college and careers. These assessments, examine students’ knowledge in English language arts, math, science and social studies and will be given over a three-week window between April 8 and April 26. Colorado ninth-graders will take the PSAT 10 as the statewide assessment in English Language Arts and Math. Colorado’s 10th-grade students will continue to take the PSAT 10, and 11th-grade students will take the SAT and Science CMAS. The overall goal is to ensure all students are prepared for college or careers when they leave high school. These tests provide a snapshot of how our students are progressing toward that goal and how our teachers can better help them achieve it. It is also important to remember these tests are just one measure of a student’s progress, but they are the only common measurement that helps parents understand how their children are doing compared with their peers around the state, how the school is performing and how the district is doing overall. Data from the tests also helps policymakers identify what schools or districts need more help and which ones should be celebrated for their successes. But the information is only good if students take the assessments. In recent years, the state has worked to reduce the number and length of tests for our students in an effort to answer the call from parents who were unhappy about the overload. State law requires local school boards to develop a policy allowing parents to excuse their students from participating in 1 or more state assessments. Thus, districts cannot impose negative consequences on students or parents if a parent excuses their student from an assessment. Likewise, districts cannot impose burdens on students to discourage them from participating in an assessment. However, Huerfano RE-1 encourages parents to have all children take the assessments. We need to meet the 95% threshold of students testing in order to avoid any decline in our schools or district accreditation ratings. **We strongly encourage all students to take all tests so that we may have an accurate, positive outcome for all.  Opt-out forms are available at all schools via the school secretary/Principal. Prior to completing an opt-out form it is necessary to consult with the school Principal**. **Opt-Out Form can be found here:** Parents, please consider that your child/children: Are well rested by getting enough sleep so as to be alert and at their physical/mental best to test Are nutritionally sound by eating a proper breakfast and lunch at school or at home Are motivated to make every effort to do their very best **I thank you for considering that all children take all assessments and that all children attempt to do their very best. Good luck to all!** **** **Opt-Out Form can be found here:** Respectfully, Michael J Moore Superintendent Huerfano RE-1 School District Please contact Mrs. Heidi Dasko for grades 7th-11th WJSHS hdasko@huerfano.k12.co.us 719-738-1610, ext. 4002 Please contact Ms. Lacey Byron for grades 3rd-6th Peakview lbyron@huerfano.k12.co.us 719-738-2190, ext. 5002

  • Sharpen Your Skills
    Aug 2, 2023 · Peakview

    Sharpen Your Skills

    After school tutoring is in full swing on Tuesdays and Thursdays!  Contact your child’s teacher for more information.

  • El Fandango
    Aug 2, 2023 · Peakview

    El Fandango

    El Fandango is now rehearsing on Thursdays from 4:14-5:15.  Contact the school if your child is interested!

  • Emergency Plan
    Aug 2, 2023 · Peakview

    Emergency Plan

District Events

March 2025
